
Onlinerecht und Bürgerrechte 2.0


Bürgerrechtspreis für den CCC, Constanze Kurz und Frank Rieger

Der Chaos Computer Club sowie seine beiden Sprecher Constanze Kurz und Frank Rieger erhalten am 12.05.2012 den Werner-Holtfort-Preis für bürger- und menschenrechtliches Engagement.

In der Pressemitteilung der Holtfort-Stiftung heißt es zur Begründung:

Der CCC erhält den Preis für seine langjährige intensive Aufklärungsarbeit gegen die ausufernde staatliche und privatwirtschaftliche Überwachung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger und die Aufdeckung immer neuer unerlaubter Ausforschungsversuche staatlicher und privater Stellen, zuletzt die sog. Staatstrojaner, welche von der Polizei ohne ausreichende Rechtsgrundlage heimlich zur vollständigen Überwachung privater Computer genutzt werden.

Die beiden Preisträger betreiben durch allgemeinverständliche Vorträge und Veranstaltungen eine intensive Aufklärung und werden inzwischen als kritische Sachverständige von dem Bundesverfassungsgericht hinzugezogen.

Der Preis ist übrigens dotiert mit 5.000,– Euro, die  in kleinen gebrauchten und nicht registrierten Scheinen ausbezahlt werden.;-)

Der vor 20 Jahren verstorbene Stifter Werner Holtfort war Rechtsanwalt, Mitglied des Bundesvorstands der Humanistischen Union und Mitbegründer des Republikanischen Anwältinnen- und Anwältevereins. Die Holtfort-Stiftung als Alleinerbin verleiht entsprechend der testamentarischen Vorgaben den Werner-Holtfort-Preis für herausragende Leistungen zur Verteidigung der Bürgerrechte.

posted by Stadler at 10:18  


  1. Super.

    Comment by fernetpunker — 3.05, 2012 @ 12:58

  2. Respekt! :)

    *quengel, begeistertes*

    Comment by Die quengelnde Schildkröte Frieda — 3.05, 2012 @ 20:36

  3. Im letzten Absatz ist wohl der Bundesvorstand gemeint. Die Idee, dass die Humanistische Union den „Bundesverstand“ stellt, finde ich allerdings auch nicht schlecht! :)

    Comment by iota — 3.05, 2012 @ 21:39

  4. Es gibt auch noch gute Nachrichten.

    Comment by smial — 7.05, 2012 @ 12:57

  5. Wer sind denn Werner Holtfort und der Republikanische Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein?

    Die Homepages kenne ich, die Wikipedia-Artikel auch. Gibt es da noch mehr fundiertes im Netz?

    Comment by Richard — 9.05, 2012 @ 22:45

  6. Mrs Constanze Kurz – Chaos Computer Club
    Dear Lady; It all depends on Sir Winston Churchill. He is a rather disturbing man. You are English and so you like, so you love to be proud about him. That’s clear but not fully understandable by outstanding people. It sounds funny. If you might be a polish it might be a little different. 1939 Sir Winston Churchill agreed in and managed upon the Kathyn Massacre with Mr Stalin. More than 30 thousand polish officers were massacred and brutally killed by the troupes of the Russian Secret Service under Mr Stalin control. Well, that’s the official number but a lot of people say it was about 70 thousand. Oh, what’s that, was Mr Stalin not in a close union with the dammed Hitler? Oh yes, but it shows Sir Winston Churchill and of course Mr Stalin knew at that point about the aggression of Poland, they knew about the Red Communist Troupes against Poland and the Hitler SS. That was why such a lot of the Polish went with the Hitler troupes.
    And there is the so called Mr Stalin’s Torch-Men Command. That’s the Command N°0428 from the 17.Nov.1941. It says that the Russian Guerrillas in German Uniforms, especially in SS ones, had to destroy every asset, to kill any person including children in about 40 to 60 km alongside the Main Front. It had to be taken care that a few people left on every item to tell the others about the cruelties of the Germans.
    The Russian Troops had a special designed carapace, or caterpillar armed vehicle designed by a very specialist out of South America. The carapace was running on normal chains like any other does. But these chains were driven of a special kind. In normal way these chains get their force from a cog wheel in the back or in the front. Not this special ones; all the rubber wheels normally only bearing the load of the carapace getting the force of moving direct from the engine. Well, what was this rather complicated construction good for? You know, carapaces run normally on uneven ground in the field or in the wood. If one of the chains is defect it is to be given up. Not this special carapace. It runs on uneven ground and then after leaving its chains it can do on streets, especially on German motorways. This carapace was not in use after the German attack.
    Consequently the Red Russian Troupes kept on the other side of the river not fighting but in rest until the Polish Revolt Army lost their fight against the German troupes 1944. The rebellion would have a different end if the tactical knowledge of the Polish officers would have been present. Do you see the red Line? It’s ended a Red-Line. That was why the German SS generals accepted the Polish Rebellion Troupes as an ordinary Army and so took them as ordinary prisoners. That was why the Polish Generals, taken to the choice either to go to the Communist Army or stay with the Germans, decided to take the opportunity to remain with the Germans.
    But here is the next step. One in the BRD (Germany) highly honoured Mr Prof Hc Dr Hc Marceli Reich-Ranicki; a man with a Polish, a German and an Israeli Passport; a man following the court’s decision must be called “The Eichman from Kattowitz” has been talking with the Polish Exile Government in Great Britain to come home to the Polish Home Base. The brave People of this Government in GB had been killed shortly after they got out of the aircraft on Polish Soil. Well, you know, this man, the Prof Hc Dr Hc Reich Ranicki, would be intelligent enough to invent the gasification. This man, Prof Reich Ranicki has been said to be collaborating with the Nazis by the Vienna governing major also a Jew.
    Maybe that sounds curious but 1942 a book came out in the USA; ‘Germany must perish’. All the Germans were meant to be perished by sterilisation. It was said that so many Germans were there, so many women and so many men. The job would have been done by so many doctors. All Germans were to be castrated; Nazis, Democrats, Conservatives, and modern People, those who believed in Hitler, Communists, such who were fighting for the German Empire, Resistance People … the only ones that were not talked about were the Jews. The book only needed to get known in Germany. The British BBC gave that notice time again and again. Those people who were listening to the enemy broadcast what was forbidden while the war got the knowledge first. What a pleasure for the Jews. That knowledge increased of course to the Jews right away. Figure out what it was like in the KZ? Imagine yourself what it was like to be in KZ in a KZ? Fantastic, isn’t it?
    For you as a political and antifascist thinking one it notably important, after Cont Bernadotte had secured the Jews from Denmark – he had arranged for them to pass away to Stockholm by fisher boats – he was shot by the Star Tie under Shamir-Begin. Isn’t that wonderful, is it? You know Mr Wallenberg; he saved the Jewish people from Budapest. He, as a Diplomat gave them international papers and cached them in his international sick bay where even communist fighters were welcome. He was displaced by the conqueror of Budapest the Russian Jewish General Sherenkow. We have some messages that he lived a couple of decades in a prison in Russia.
    I’m getting a little disturbed. Nationalistic thinking people had given their money to the Centrum (a political party in older Germany) and the Liberals in Germany to shit the Nazis. The Nazis got their money from England. Merely poor telephone calls to England by the private Hitler brought the money for the propaganda paper of the clammy Nazi Party. Is that correct, isn’t it? There is need to be said something different. I don’t know whether you’ve had the time to inform you. Hitler had five body doubles 1933. Who did know with whom he was speaking? Three out of five photos made from the fuehrer in the Nazi regime is from the body doubles. The sightseeing of the Eifel Tower in Paris is a typical item.
    Regards Dagobert R. Forner
    ISBN: 0-473-10453-9 “Hitler was a British Agent” by Greeg Hallee

    Comment by Dag. Forner Dipl.Ing. — 9.06, 2012 @ 09:06

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